Thursday, May 05, 2005

Pinwheel Purse

Pattern: Pinwheel Purse, page 85, Modular Knits by Iris Schreier

Yarn:Noro Kureyon


Size:10" wide

Modifications:Fabric lining, and a fifth triangle added to the front for stability.

Comments:I love this bag. This was a lot of fun, especially the part where it only cost me $4.00 because someone ruined two skeins of Noro. Not being one to waste, I bought them from the $2.00 bin and 'made lemonade'. I came to the end and had only black to do a handle, but it did not look right, so for now it sits waiting for the perfect yarn, or the perfect salvaged item. It's a very convenient size for a cell, a small wallet; great shopping trip purse. And another modular technique to master!

1 comment:

Persnickety Knitter said...

Very cool. What does the back look like?